We provide personalised experiences to customers in a convenient and simple way

Aura in the Movistar Plus+
Voice Remote Control

"When is the Valencia match on?"

"Play it in the original version"

"Recommend something to watch"

Aura in the Vivo app

"Talk to an agent"

"Pay my bill"

"Expand my plan"

Aura on WhatsApp

"Improve my plan"

"Confirm an agent's visit"

"Follow up my order"

Aura in the Metaverse

"Change ambient sound"

"Activate the well-being alert"

"Make an appointment in Movistar store"

On which devices or services can you use Aura?

Home experiences

Movistar Plus+ Voice Remote Control

Press the Aura button to get the most out of Movistar Plus+. Search for content, ask for a recommendation or change the language of content by voice.

I want it!
Woman on the couch watching television with a remote in her hand

Call center

Customer Service experience

Thanks to Aura, enjoy all the advantages of an omnichannel customer service experience, more personalised and without waiting.

Man holding phone to ear while he talks

Instant messaging

Aura on WhatsApp

Aura is available on WhatsApp 24/7 to help you solve all your contract-related queries in an asynchronous way, naturally and simply.

WhatsApp icon
Woman using a mobile phone in an armchair

Mobile applications

Aura in the company's apps

Talk to Aura on Telefónica's mobile applications to get the most out of your relationship with the company.

Movistar+ icon Vivo icon My O2 icon
Woman lying on the sofa holding a mobile phone in her hand

Home experiences

Living Apps

Use Aura to browse exclusive TV applications about leisure and entertainment, shopping, education and company products or services.

Movistar Plus+ Logo
Discover more!
Living Apps

Web applications

Aura on the web

Manage your digital life in a more natural and simple way by sharing your customer service queries with Aura through commercial websites.

Woman with glasses looking at laptop screen

Home experiences

Aura in the Metaverse

Discover Aura on the Movistar Immersive Experience app, available to all users with the Meta Quest device.

Woman smiles while enjoying Movistar Immersive Experience with the Meta Quest device.

Home experiences

Aura at Movistar Home

Say "OK Aura" and make calls or video calls with your loved ones, listen to music or manage your connectivity quickly.

Command guide
Family jumping and dancing